Immediate Treatment - Sports Injury Treatment

Acute Injuries

The majority of acute sports injuries will be treated according to the PRICE guidelines:

P- Prevention: the athlete should be moved out of the way of danger to prevent further injury.

R- Rest: the affected area should be rested in order to prevent further damage.

I-Ice: Ice packs should be applied to the injury; this will reduce swelling and help to stem bleeding.

C-Compression: the area around the injury should be compressed using a bandage or support; this will protect the injured area and reduce swelling.

E-Elevation: the affected limb or joint should be elevated to decrease blood flow to the area, which will prevent inflammation.
Injuries such as muscle sprains, strains, tears and fractures may all be treated according to these guidelines.


Cuts should usually be treated by stemming the bleeding using a cold compress or bandage; pressure should be applied to the area until bleeding has ceased. Deeper cuts may have to be stitched or glued to stop bleeding; this may also prevent scarring in the future.

Head injuries

Head injuries should always be treated with great caution. Immediate treatment should involve stabilising the head, rest and a thorough examination by a trained health care professional; this will help to identify any serious conditions.

Neck and spinal injuries

Neck and spinal injuries can be extremely serious and should be treated as emergency cases. Initially the neck and spine should be stabilised and the athlete should be encouraged to keep still until paramedics arrive to stretcher them off.

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